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A fundraiser fete designed to dance the night away with DJs and operatic song. Join us for a specialty cocktail and artistic collaborations this Saturday evening. Secret location in Sullivan square revealed with purchase of a ticket.

MoonSong: The Dark side of the Song July 22nd  
MoonSong at Journeyman Restaurant June 30th

An impromptu presentation of our moon themed recital was given by invitation of head Chef at Journeyman. An exciting dining experience of song by WholeTone Opera artists, cocktails by BackBar and food by Journeyman left patrons with a sneak peak of the kind of exciting collaborations and art WholeTone Opera has planned for our Halloween 2017 production of the Werewolf!

An over the top supernatural themed recital with costumes, lighting, props and songs about monsters, witches and ghosts. WholeTone Opera's first performances since La Zombiata featured many of the talented performers who sang as the undead. Patrons enjoyed cookies and werewolf wine at the reception afterwards.

Inhuman Voices April 22nd, 2017

WholeTone Opera's maiden production- performed at the Davis Square Theatre with blood effects to sold out audiences in 2016. WholeTone Opera is un-dead set on bringing Jillian Flexner's La Zombiata back to Somerville in 2017. A hoard of zombies struggle to embrace true love despite desperate cravings for flesh. Which fleshly craving will win out? Find out in this short, bloody Traviata spoof this Valentine's Day!

  La zombiata  Valentines Day weekend 2016

A fiercely queer opera commissioned by WholeTone Opera, The Werewolf features a bisexual loup garou, a cunning witch leading lady and a plucky nobleman who discovers his sexuality throughout the course of the production. A comedy, Molly Preston, J. Deschene and Teri Kowiak author an adaptation of Louise Bertin's Le Loup Garou that brings the work into the 21st century and make for a "howling good time"! (Daniels, New England Theatre Geek)

The Werewolf 2016  

WHoleTone Studio

312 Highland Ave

Somerville, MA

  • WholeTone Opera Facebook


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