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WholeTone Opera presents

La Zombiata

By Jillian Flexner

Directed by J. Deschene

Music Directed by Elena Sokolowski

Assistant Music Directed by Marnen Laibow-Koser

Produced by Nora Maynard, Cali Panesis and Sara Haugland



The Rockwell

Davis Square, Somerville, MA


Friday, February 9th at 10pm

Saturday, February 10th at 7pm

Sunday, February 11th at 3pm

And Valentine’s day,

Wednesday, February 14th at 8pm


Tickets $18-$52

V.I.P. Splash Zone front row $36

General admission $28

Student $18

Dinner and a Show $52 (limited availability)


A hoard of zombies struggles to embrace true love despite desperate cravings for flesh.

Which fleshly craving will win out? Find out in this short, bloody Traviata spoof this Valentine's Day!


For more information visit:


Dinner and a show packages available at $52 per ticket.

Sunday brunch is available for the matinee on the 11th.

Grab a date and make an evening with the undead!

Valentine's Day 2018

WHoleTone Studio

312 Highland Ave

Somerville, MA

  • WholeTone Opera Facebook


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